We are a curious community.

We read, share and combine ideas regularly. This Library is a careful curation of blogposts from our team, as well as books, research and articles that our team has found particularly inspirational or insightful.

Whether you’re hungry for insight, in need of inspiration, or simply curious, our hope is that you will find value here.

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How to Use 'How Might We' Questions

WhatBox uses "How Might We" (a.k.a. HMW) as our 'go to' challenge framer. This term has deep roots in the design thinking world but what we like about it is the psychology behind leading with...

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A Complete Beginner's Guide to Mind Maps

Mind maps or concept maps are a great way to break out of well-worn thought patterns, broaden your aperture and discover new ways to see (really see) and connect aspects of your world. While we...

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